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COVID-19 Coronavirus


SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: July 08, 2020

Updated July 2022


This page includes links and articles of general interest and will be updated when relevant information is available. 

Links to Steamship Mutual alphabetical list of country/jurisdiction updates 

Please click on letter to link to country/jurisdiction section below:

      A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



Film release: Marine Media Enterprises in association with Steamship Mutual present "Coronavirus: COVID-19 - The Vaccine Perspective"

Film release: Marine Media Enterprises in association with Steamship Mutual present "Coronavirus: COVID-19 Update 2021" 

Film release: Marine Media Enterprises in association with Steamship Mutual present "Coronavirus - Crew Change"

Film release: Marine Media Enterprises in association with Steamship Mutual present "Coronavirus - Stay Safe On Board"

Film releaseMarine Media Enterprises in association with Steamship Mutual present "Coronavirus – Mental Resilience On Board" 

Film release: Marine Media Enterprises in association with Steamship Mutual present "Coronavirus – Protection on Board"


Links to industry sites and articles 

Guidance for ships / crew / medical updates


Articles/P&I/Charter Party issues

Crew change (also see our list of country updates for location specific information)

Links to ports and country updates

Steamship Mutual alphabetical list of country/jurisdiction updates  

The information in this list is from correspondents and/or service providers and is updated regularly.


  • General information booklet  of 22 April 2020 from correspondents McLeans regarding various African countries: Senegal, Guinea, Guinea Bisseau, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Liberia covering lockdown, status of port and quarantine regulations, availability of stevedores, immigration/crew rules, availability of disinfection.
  • Information from correspondents TCI Africa/Eltvedt O’Sullivan 22 April 2020 covering lockdown/curfew, port activity, airport  in Cameroon; Congo; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea Bissau; Ivory Coast; Kenya; Liberia; Mauritania; Nigeria; Senegal; Tanzania; Togo.
  • Information from correspondents TCI Africa/Eltvedt O’Sullivan 4 May 2020 re  crew change possibility in Cameroon; Congo; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea Bissau; Ivory Coast; Kenya; Liberia; Mauritania; Nigeria; Senegal; Tanzania.


  • Correspondent Vega & Co - Marine Risk and Insurance Solutions has provided an update in their Risk Alert - Hidrovia, regarding the quarantine of vessels arriving from Africa. As a consequence of the newest strain of COVID-19, the Omicron variant, new regulation means authorities will not authorize any vessel coming from the African continent without complying with a 14 day quarantine period. This quarantine period starts from the day of sailing from the last port and is expected to have minimal impact considering the rule applies to the African Continent and the transit time of the voyage.

  • Correspondent Pandi Liquidadores has provided the following guidance for ships (5 October 2021) if there is Covid on board:
  1. Ships arriving in Argentina need to comply with the pre-arrival sanitary information (72 hours pre arrival) declaring the background of the cases on board. It would be advisable to enter into ship's books the relevant dates, tests and results to be presented together with its supporting documents. 
  2. As a matter of principle, Argentina's Authorities would require a quarantine of 10 to 14 days as of the date when the last positive case was detected. If the ship arrives with more than 14 days since the last positive case on board, we would expect for the Sanitary Authorities to require testing the crew prior to granting free pratique.
  3. If the vessel arrives with less than 14 days since the last positive case or departure whichever later, it is likely for the ship to be quarantined until the 14th day and then the crew tested.


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  • The National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) issued Technical Note N° 03/2022, which provides guidance on the prevention of monkeypox and mitigation measures in hospitals, clinics and other health services that provide care to suspected and confirmed cases of the disease. Specific guidelines on the prevention of monkeypox at ports, airports and borders were detailed in Technical Note 60/2022, also issued by ANVISA 
  • Correspondents Brazmar report the President’s Office issued Ordinance no. 661 on 8 December 2021, along with an office translation, establishing specific and temporary requirements for the entry of travellers in the country in view of the emergence of the Omicron COVID-19 variant. Ordinance no. 662 of 10 December 2021, along with an office translation, was issued to defer the commencement of the application of the changes introduced by the Ordinance to 18 December, mainly due to a cyber attack which affected the Health Ministry’s vaccination database of Brazilian nationals.
  • Brazil P&I's latest circular regarding the rules in force in Brazil relating to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Correspondents Brazmar report the Presidents Office has issued Ordinance No. 660, of November 27, 2021 and a translation, establishing specific and temporary restrictions for the entry of travellers into the country in view of the emergence of the Omicron COVID-19 variant.
  • Correspondents Proinde Anvisa updates/health measures for ports and vessels 5 May 2021

  • Correspondents Proinde Practical Guidance for Brazil 9 July 2020 guidance on crew changes, quarantine, testing etc.

  • Correspondents Proinde report that acceptance of seafarers ILO C-108 document has been extended until 1 May 2022

  • Correspondents Proinde report that Brazil closes its air border to flights from India + general update on shore leave and crew change etc

  • The Brazilian government issued Ordinance no. 658 on 5 October 2021 (translation provided by Correspondents Brazmar along with summary) which revokes the previous temporary ban on flights from South Africa, India, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And also establishes the basis for the cruise season in Brazil to commence on 1 November subject to additional regulation.


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Advice received from Correspondent Silvio Duarte, International Shipping & Engineering Services - 6 October 2021:

  • That all crew must do a PCR test on arrival and wait for the results on board
  • Health professionals will be transferred to the ship to collect the PCRs
  • Upon arrival, those with a positive test, must leave the ship when approved and proceed to the hotel where they will be monitored


  • Correspondents Caribbean Marine Surveyors 7 July 2021  update  covering Aruba, Bahamas, Bonaire, Colombia, Cuba, Curacao, Dominican Republic, French Guyana, St. Eustatius, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela


  • Club correspondents Cave advise on 23/10/10: “Crewmembers of any nationality can enter or leave the country  without visa or special permit. Also, if the crewmembers have a negative PCR test, they can fly in domestics flights to the different Chilean ports. Therefore, the crewmembers have no restrictions. We also checked with the local ITF inspector and he confirmed the same.”

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  • Correspondents Huatai Circular PNI 2022/02 - The Announcement of the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General Customs on Effectively Implementing Remote Prevention and Control Measures of the COVID-19 for Vessels Engaged in International Voyages (including Chinese version) and English translation for The Guideline on Information to Submit Regarding Remote Prevention and Control Measures of the COVID-19 for Vessels Engaged in International Voyage. 7 March 2022
  • Correspondents Huatai Quarantine requirements imposed for Haikou 14 October 2021
  • Correspondents Huatai Quarantine requirements imposed for Dongfang 14 October 2021
  • Chinese Ports Epidemic Prevention Measures Circular PNI (2021) 08 dated 28 May 2021 available in  English and  Chinese
    Some Chinese ports have upgraded their epidemic prevention measures. Correspondent Huatai’s circular covers: Dalian and nearby ports; Tianjin and nearby ports; Qingdao and nearby ports; Shanghai and nearby ports; Ningbo and nearby ports; Guangzhou and nearby ports; Xiamen and nearby ports
  • Oasis  Circular 2105 dated 4 June 2021 Update on handling of Covid-19 positive crew cases at Chinese ports

  • Reporting Abnormal Health Condition of the Crewmember When Calling Chinese Ports. Circular from correspondents Huatai dated 18 February 2021 in  English and  Chinese

  • Correspondents Shanghai P&I comments on  vaccine requirements at major Chinese ports 11 March 2021

  • Oasis P&I  Circular 8 February 2021 Crew change policy at major Chinese ports for both Chinese and non-Chinese crew: Dalian, Qingdao, Shanghai, Tianjin, Ningbo, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Haikou, Shenzhen, Guangzhou

  • Correspondents Huatai  Circular 15 January 2021 Stricter Epidemic Control on Boarding Personnel at Ports of Guangzhou

  • Correspondents Huatai  Circular 30 October 2020 Update on foreign crew change and disembarkation (English version)

  • Correspondents Huatai  Circular 30 October 2020 Update on foreign crew change and disembarkation (Chinese version)

  • Correspondents Huatai  Circular 30 September 2020: Test institutions designated or recognised by overseas Chinese embassies or consulates

  • New regulations for ship’s crew - for all international trading ships to Chinese ports
    Crew changes conducted at last port of call and within 14 days before the ships arrive in Chinese ports, all signing on crew members are required to hold NAT negative proof taken 3 days before boarding the ships by medical institutions as designated by the Chinese embassies and consulates.
    Ships, their shipping companies or agents are required to submit copies of NAT negative proof of signing on crew members at last port and signing on crew members boarding 14 days before the ships arrive in the first port of China. Read more in the  International Chamber of Shipping (China) Liaison Office 24 September 2020

  • Oasis P&I  Circular 25 September 2020 Epidemic control of crew members

  • Correspondents Huatai Circular 25 September 2020 – Announcement of Ministry of Transport 78/2020 - New Prevention and control measures for ships entering China.
    Free translation of Notice re: Dual Tests of Covid-19 nucleic acid and serum antibody for the crew from Indonesia to China on international sailing vessels (in both English and Chinese)

  • Chinese Government  Guidance on the prevention and control of Covid-19 on board (version 4.0) 11 September 2020

  • Correspondents Huatai  Circular 7 September 2020: Chinese Ports - Special Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures on Vessels Having Changed Crew Overseas within 14 Days

  • Correspondents Huatai Circular: MSA Operational Guidance for Ships and seafarers .


  • Update  from correspondents A&A Multiprime 18 May 2020



  • Correspondents Kacic & Brbora summary of Covid measures in Croatia  20 April 2020  including information on port restriction, ship inspections, seafarers (extension of validity of documents, crew changes, repatriations etc


  • EMCO update 15 October 2020

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  • As of 1st February 2022 the government of Denmark has decided to lift up all COVID-19 related restrictions, based on the recommendation of the Epidemic Commission, who does not consider COVID-19 as a national epidemic any longer. Seafarers entering Denmark for work onboard a vessel or an off-shore base are now exempted from self-isolation. Attached is a summary from Nordic P&I 1 February 2022
  • Crew change  update from Nordic P&I 2 November 2020
  • Vaccination for Seafarers  from w/c 13th September 2021; updated 22 September 2021


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  • Update  from Pandi Balt 21 May 2020

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  • Correspondents Mateos report that the Gibraltar Port Authority requires that  the attached protocol/declaration be completed by every vessel, yacht, cruise liner, bunker barge that will call Gibraltar at either the  Western Anchorage, East anchorage, North Anchorage, any alongside berth, Quick turnarounds, medical disembarkations, OPLA and OPLB. No exemptions will be given. 


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  • Correspondents E&M Consulting website updates for Haiti and Dominican Republic


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  • Update from correspondents Budd 26 March 2020

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  • Precautions for Foreign Seafarers entering Japan – 12 May 2021
  • 15 January 2021: A State of Emergency exists in 11 out of 47 prefectures. Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe (Hyogo pref.) and Yokohama (Kanagawa pref.) are included in these 11 prefectures where it is requested but not ordered, 1) to shorten open hours for restaurants and bars, 2) to reduce the number of workers at offices by 70%, 3) to avoid outings in the evening and 4) restrict events. This State of Emergency will run till 7 February 2021 but could be extended depending on the situation.   

    Japan stopped new entry of non-resident foreigners in 2020 with the exception of business travelers visiting from Vietnam, Mainland China, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. This exception is temporarily suspended from 14 January 2021 and new arrivals form these 11 countries/regions too are refused. However, again, there are special exceptions. Entry is allowed to persons who have re-entry permit, spouse/child of Japanese/permanent resident person and others who met the Japanese government’s conditions - further detail here


  • Update from correspondents Amin Kawar 23 March 2020

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  • Quarantine restriction report  from correspondents Korea Universal Marine 18 May 2021

  • Update  from Mutual Service Korea 7 May 2021

  • Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries:  Guidance on permission for arrival and departure of ships September 2020 

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  • Update  from correspondents Pandi Balt 21 May 2020


  • EMCO update 15 October 2020



  • Update  from correspondents Pandi Balt 21 May 2020

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  • Update  from correspondents Maclaims maritime Morocco 20 May 2020 (plus 4 May, 22 April, 18 and 20 March)


  • Covid measures update from correspondents P&I Associates 16 October 2020 


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  • Update from correspondents Africa Marine 26 March 2020


  • Crew change  update from Nordic P&I 2 November 2020

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  • Update  re crew changes and surveyor attendance etc from AIV Private Ltd of Karachi 22/10/20




  • Update  from correspondents Sulnave 25 March 2021


  • Correspondents Pinto Basto update 17 May 2021 – with updated information on border controls; flights; test requirements; quarantine; cruise vessels etc

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  • 72 hours before their arrival in Dakar, all vessels must email the following documents:
    • List of the last ten (10) ports of call;
    • Maritime Health Declaration;
    • Crew list specifying joining date and port of each crew member
    to both:
    1. the Harbour Master at [email protected], and
    2. the Maritime Border Health Inspection Services (Service de Contrôle Sanitaire aux Frontières Maritimes) at [email protected]
  • Vessels arriving from an area affected by COVID-19 are now obliged to remain at anchorage until inspectors from the Maritime Border Health Inspection Services have carried out checks on board. The vessel will only be allowed to enter the port once it has received free pratique from the inspectors.
  • TCI Dakar  Circular 24 March 2020 – note the recommendation for extra vigilance to avoid the embarkation of stowaways.

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  • Update  from Mutual Marine Al Mushtaraka 15 May 2020


  • SAPIC organisation map  with links showing measures taken by several South American jurisdictions 2 July 2020


  • SAMSA’s  Marine Notice 19/21  - all foreign seafarers in SA ports are now regarded as documented foreign nationals and as a result they are eligible for vaccination in our country - released 23 September 2021 and  update  from ENS Africa 
  • Control measures applicable at all South African ports. Correspondents Shepstone & Wylie  SUMMARY plus Chief Harbour Master  NOTICE 6 May 2021


  • Correspondents Grupo Stier advise that all persons entering Spain (Canary Islands included) require a negative PCR/COVID test result 72hrs prior to entry. In the event the person has previously been positive; a certified test showing the presence of antibodies will be required. Failure to provide said results can result in fines of up to €6,000.  Spanish Official Bulletin 298 of 12 November 2020 (in Spanish)

  • Update  of 25 June from Correspondents Tablada (for ports of Seville, Huelva, Cadiz, Algeciras)
  • Update of 26 March 2020 from Correspondents Hispania P&I

  • Law firm AIYON –  Circular on COVID-19 and Port and Legal system in Spain


  • Correspondents Intermarc  update  8 October 2020


  • Correspondents Mutual Marine Services & Transport al-Mushtaraka Ltd. Advise on 12 May 2020 that when a ship arrives at Port Sudan, if the voyage has taken 14 days or longer, the vessel can berth on arrival. If less than 14 days the vessel will have to wait at the anchorage until the 14 day period is reached. This does not apply to ships that arrive at Port Sudan via the Suez Canal, in which case all these ships must wait at the anchorage for 14 days. All ships on arrival will be boarded by the Port Health to check the crew as necessary.


  • Crew change  update from Nordic P&I 2 November 2020 

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  • Correspondent Teal Pandi  update 27 May 2021


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  • Fujairah notice  Vessels calling from Indian ports crew change suspended 29 April 2021
  • Fujairah: Crew changes during Covid: Port of Fujairah  Notice to Agents 4 August 2020 and Port of Fujairah  Notice to Mariners of 5 August 2020

  • UAE Federal Transport Authority  Circular 12-20 of 2 August 2020 resuming maritime activities and crew changes plus UAE Return to work safely protocol  dated 2 August 2020 covering crew changes, ferries, passenger ships, yachts, shore pass procedure etc


  • Update  from correspondents Svertilov Marine 16 February 2021 including crew change information
  • Update  on crew changes from correspondents DIAS 11 November 2020

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  • Correspondent Chadwick Weir has provided the following guidance for ships (5 October 2021) if there is Covid onboard:

  1. the vessel will be ordered by sanitary authorities to quarantine (14 days after the last positive), and will not be allowed to berth/load until quarantine completion

  2. medical control and swabbing on board will be required for ascertaining the health status of crew, as well as the measures to mitigate the transmission, if possible, of the virus

  3. positives could be hospitalized depending on the seriousness of the illness in each case. Otherwise, daily controls of temperature and symptoms to the crew must be practiced on board before being reported to authorities


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  • Correspondents Globalpandi  Circular 5 September 2020 re crew changes and repatriations

  • Correspondents Pandi Venezuela  25 March 2021 update on Covid situation in Venezuela

  • Correspondents Globalpandi  Circular 6 May 2020 regulations for STS operations in Venezuelan waters


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  • Outline of Covid-19 measures from correspondents GAC 10 April 2020
  • 12 May 2020. Correspondents GAC report that the Yemeni Ministry of Health has declared the port city of Aden as a contagious city with the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. Besides other epidemics such as Chikungunya, Dengue fever and malaria, Covid-19 virus is claiming the lives of dozens of citizens on a daily basis in front of a complete collapse of the health system and the absence of state authorities. The port of Aden in the meantime remains open and operational. 

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