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Health Hub

Loss Prevention


Health Films

Mental Health Support Solutions

Fit for Life

It is vitally important that seafarers are fit for seagoing employment. Whilst such risk can be mitigated through the Club’s PEME scheme, there is also much that can be done to further control this risk by raising awareness on the part of seafarers of the steps that they can take, through lifestyle choices, diet and exercise to improve their physical fitness. 

With the financial support of The Ship Safety Trust, the Managers have produced a loss prevention film "Fit for Life", which focusses on the issue of crew health.  This film can be viewed below: 

Wellness at Sea

Mental Health and the Seafarer

Supporting Seafarers Mental Wellbeing

Risks of Inadequate PEME

Ebola Virus Disease

Safety In Enclosed Spaces

Dangers of Confined Spaces

Working in Deck in Heavy Weather

Working at Height in and Around Cargo Holds

Health and Hygiene

Exercise Onboard

Working Safely

COVID-19 – Helpful Information

Seafarer vaccinations – US Ports

Covid-19 and ships’ crews

Prevention of disease at sea

Previous Employers PEME

Still Valid?


Helping seafarers maintain mental well-being

Mental Health

COVID-19 Coronavirus


SSM Work with Marine Catering Training Consultancy (MCTC)