COVID-19 – Helpful Information & Resources - Seafarer vaccinations – US Ports
As has been widely reported, various US States are providing access to COVID-19 vaccines at no cost to seafarers on board vessels calling at US ports. You can find regularly updated information regarding this and other helpful COVID-19 information and resources, on our dedicated COVID-19 webpage, which includes a vaccination section.
We are aware of various companies offering their services in US ports, including IMC-3M:, who are working closely with the North American Maritime Ministries Association (NAMMA - and other organisations around the US coast, to assist in finding ethical, practical and cost-effective solutions. NAMMA maintain a very helpful webpage which provides updated advice regarding access to seafarer vaccination opportunities across North American ports, including more recently, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Please Note: The Club is of course not qualified to give medical advice, and decisions relating to seafarer vaccinations are for the employer / shipowner to consider, in consultation with qualified medical and other advisers where appropriate. We are able however to put members in contact with third parties who may be able to assist, on the basis the Club is not making any recommendations as to their capabilities or suitability as to which the member should satisfy themselves through the exercise of appropriate due diligence.