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Coronavirus - Crew Change


Restrictions arising from COVID-19 have made it extremely difficult for crew changes to be undertaken, with the unwelcome result that many seafarers have remained onboard their vessels far longer than their contracts originally contemplated. Thankfully these difficulties are slowly easing with the result that seafarers are increasingly able to return home to their loved ones and enjoy the rest and relaxation that they so richly deserve.

“Coronavirus – Crew Change” examines the procedures that need to be followed during both embarkation and disembarkation in order to ensure that these operations are undertaken safely and the risk of infection appropriately controlled.

This film was produced by Marine Media Enterprises with the support and assistance of Columbia Ship Management, Cyprus Port Authority, Cyprus Shipping Chamber, Anglo Eastern Ship Management, Lavar Shipping, Singapore Shipping Association, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, Petronav Ship Management, The International Chamber of Shipping, The Nautical Institute, MCTC Marine Ltd, Seaworld Management and Steamship Mutual. For distribution to your fleet the film is also available from  [email protected]

Additionally, this video is subtitled in the language versions below:

Our previous three programmes “Coronavirus - Stay Safe On Board” ,  “Coronavirus – Mental Resilience On Board” and  “Coronavirus – Protection on Board” are available to download, where you will also find links to subtitled language versions of the film.

For further information and advice relating to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), please refer to the information on our website, which is updated regularly: