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Coronavirus Film Library

How can seafarers keep safe from Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
A series of films has been produced by Marine Media Enterprises for Steamship Mutual and their Members.

Loss Prevention

Coronavirus - Stay Safe On Board

Coronavirus – Mental Resilience On Board film

Coronavirus - Protection On Board film

Coronavirus - Crew Change film

Coronavirus Update 2021 film

COVID-19 - The Vaccine Perspective

  1. The first film "Coronavirus - Stay Safe on Board" discusses how to navigate the issues Covid-19 raises whilst on board and looks at what to do if a crew member shows symptoms of Covid-19, how they may be cared for and the obligations of the Master and the need to consider the impact on the duty rota.
  2. The second film in the series “Coronavirus – Mental Resilience On Board” identifies some of the threats for those on board; and focusses on how to combat stress to maintain a good and positive mental state by including details of skills and coping strategies to help.
  3. The third video “Protection on Board”  addresses the threats that arise when the vessel reaches port, and identifies the measures that should be taken and the procedures to be followed to reduce the risk of seafarers contracting the virus during their vessel’s time in port.
  4. “Coronavirus – Crew Change” examines the procedures that need to be followed during both embarkation and disembarkation in order to ensure that these operations are undertaken safely and the risk of infection appropriately controlled.
  5. “Covid-19 Update” discusses the effects of the significant changes imposed by Flag States, Labour Supply Countries, Port States and Port Authorities, and issues such as mental resilience and crew change.
  6. The last film in the series, "The Vaccine Perspective", provides information relating to the vaccines available and how seafarers can receive the vaccine, in addition to the COVID-19 infection and preventative measures.