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Ban on single-use plastics in Indian waters

SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: October 01, 2019

Updated February 2020 & January 2020

The Director General of Shipping, Mumbai has issued a further revision to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the DGS order 5 of 2019 (Issued: 16/10/2019) and the Addendum no 1 to the said order (Issued: 08/01/2020).

Frequently asked question -“Prohibition on use Single Use Plastic: DGS Order 5 of 2019 and addendum No.1 to said Order” (Revision-2) -reg (Issued: 06/02/2020)

Further details and information on previously issued FAQ’s can be found following the below links 

A complete list of DG orders can also be found their website:

The Director General of Shipping, Mumbai has issued an Addendum no 1 dated 8 January 2020

The 8/1/20 Addendum no. 1 sets out a delayed timetable for the introduction of the ban on plastics and goes into greater detail about what is encompassed by the ban. Cargo ships are required to have an inventory indicating all single use plastic used on board by 31 January 2020. Passenger ships are required to have an inventory indicating all single use plastic used on board by 31 March 2020.

The Addendum states that the prohibition excludes cargo related items and packaging. Crew and passenger personal effects are now excluded from the prohibition until such time as an execution plan is decided for these items. This is expected to become the subject of a future addendum. Further details and definitions can be read in the Addendum here

The Director General of Shipping of India has issued a new Order “DGS Order No. 05 of 2019 – Subject: Prohibition on use of Single Use Plastics” dated 16 October 2019. It is applicable to all Indian registered vessels and foreign ships in any port or place in India.

The Order is designed to minimise pollution from single use plastics and is implemented in two stages i.e. items prohibited with immediate effect, and items prohibited with effect from 1st January 2020. The initial prohibition encompasses items such as cutlery, plates and cups,  garbage and shopping bags, and various plastic containers. More extensive items are covered in the second stage of implementation.

Under the Order, surveyors inspecting Indian registered vessels on behalf of the flag state are required to verify that single use plastics are neither used nor available onboard. In relation to foreign flag vessels, Port State Control surveyors  are required to ensure that single use plastics are not in use and are kept in locked storage whilst in Indian ports, and whilst on passage in Indian territorial waters. Foreign ships intending to enter an Indian port are required to make a log entry identifying the single use plastic items onboard, and stating the time, latitude and longitude when these items were placed into store prior to entering Indian waters, and the location of that store on the vessel. No single use plastic items may be discharged to port reception facilities at an Indian port.

For further details, please see the DGS Order No. 05 of 2019 and their website:  

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