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SINGAPORE: PSC Detentions for Defects of Sewage Treatment Plant

SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: May 02, 2019




Club correspondents SPICA of Singapore have forwarded Circular 5 of 2019 issued by the Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore. The circular draws attention to a trend of Port State Control detentions in relation to deficient sewage treatment plants. In fact, this is the single most common deficiency experienced by Singapore ships so far in2019. Examples of defects include the plant not being properly maintained with evidence of corrosion or holes leading to leaks. Also in some cases the plant was not operational with a defective aeration blower for example. A related Marpol Annex IV detainable deficiency was that the ship was polluting the local waters by discharging untreated sewage overboard.

The Circular lists IMO Guidelines applicable to sewage treatment plants and recommends that systems are maintained, with records of maintenance and that ship’s staff are familiar with the operation and maintenance of the system.

Circular 5 of 2019 issued by the Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore can be read here .

Our thanks to correspondents SPICA for this information. 

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