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ESG Support Hub

At Steamship Mutual we are committed to supporting our Members with their ESG and sustainability agendas. This may include supporting transition to zero carbon fuels, meeting new and regulatory requirements and embracing new and emerging technologies. We are therefore delighted to announce the launch of our ESG Support Hub. 

The Hub is a core group of individuals from across our claims, underwriting and loss prevention departments who have and will focus on developing their knowledge in these areas.

The Hub is intended to serve as a point of contact for your sustainability questions, and will support the claims, underwriting and loss preventions teams in assisting and advising Members in these areas.

Initially we expect the Hub to focus on:

  • New fuels and technologies, and vessel automation, and their associated risks
  • Offshore developments, particularly windfarms and other forms of zero carbon electricity generation
  • LNG as a cargo as well as traditional advice on Conditions of Use Agreements for Terminals
  • Contractual issues and disputes arising from regulatory developments related to climate change and emission reduction such as EEXI, CII, EU ETS and Maritime FuelEU etc.

The role of the Hub will be to oversee and coordinate our work in this area, helping to enhance the service we can provide to our Members and add value to Club membership. It will evolve and adapt over time – including new specialisms - to ensure that we meet the changing needs of our Members as the world’s response to climate change and the decarbonisation of the shipping industry develops.

You can contact the ESG Support Hub by emailing: [email protected]

ESG Support Hub Leads

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