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Drifting Mines and Other Threats – Black Sea


SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: May 16, 2023

Drifting Mines and Other Threats – North-western, Western and Southwest Black Sea

With the ongoing conflict in the Black Sea, and further to the Club Risk Alert 94 (Possible Drifting Mines In Georgian Coastal Waters) advising of the “Maritime Security threat posed by free floating sea mines in the Black Sea Region”, the Club wish to remind Members of an Advisory issued by the NATO Shipping Centre (NSC) on the “Risk of Collateral Damage in North-western, Western and Southwest Black Sea” due to the heightened risk of drifting mines.

The NATO Shipping Centre (NSC) has reiterated to the risk of drifting mines in the area and that a number of mines have been deactivated by coastal authorities. Due to the on-going conflict, it is possible that drifting mines may be experienced in this region for the foreseeable future. 

“Navigate in the Area with Extreme Caution”

Vessels should at all times maintain a proper and diligent lookout, both visually, by radar and by all available means appropriate, in accordance with the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collison at Sea, 1972. Shipmasters are to report any actual or potential sightings of sea mines to the local authorities and should monitor navigation warnings issued by coastal states and local authorities, in addition to any general information published by IMO and other sources, such as the Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping (NCAGS) – Guide to owners, Operators, Masters and Officers - Annex E to Chapter 4 – The Mine Threat, Self Protective Measures.

Shipmasters should ensure that their ship’s Automatic Identification System (AIS) is always switched-on and transmitting the information required by the IMO Resolution A1106 (29) (except when the master believes AIS operation might compromise the safety or security of the ship).

Members are encouraged to share this information with their vessels and to proceed with extreme caution when navigating in the North-western, Western and Southwest Black Sea.




For further information please contact the Loss Prevention Department. Steamship Insurance Management Services Ltd.  Tel: +44 20 7247 5490

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