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AMSA Announces Compliance Focus Areas for 2023 to 2024 FY

SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: August 21, 2023

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) update - 2023 contains reference to their media release “AMSA announces compliance focus areas for 2023-24 FY” and promotes the release of their National Compliance Plan for 2023-24. “An intelligence-led, risk-based approach to regulatory compliance” 

Members should take note that, for foreign-flagged vessels, the key focus areas include deficiency and detention rates, fire safety; and planned maintenance, with a particular focus on propulsion machinery and vessel equipment failures. Living and working conditions under the Maritime Labour Convention will also continue to be a focus area for foreign-flagged vessels in 2023-24. AMSA will monitor compliance through inspections and may broaden and adjust their efforts to other areas in response to new data and emerging trends.

Members are reminded to review their procedures and operations in accordance with the ISM Code to ensure continued and improved compliance with the latest SOLAS and MLC legislation; ensure fire-fighting appliances are in a constant state of readiness and without defects; maintain healthy and safe working conditions onboard; ensure that planned maintenance for propulsion machinery and all other vessel equipment is carried out in line with equipment manufacturer and regulatory time limits and that adequate stocks of critical spares are maintained onboard at all times.

For further guidance: Please contact the Loss Prevention Team using the following email: [email protected]

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