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Brazilian Ports - Crew from Non-ILO Convention Countries - Immigration Fines

SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: February 01, 2011

February 2011

In December 2010 Brazilian authorities in the ports of Suape and Recife started imposing immigration fines and restrictions on crew from countries which are not signatories to International Labour Organisation Conventions 108 (Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention 1958) or 185 (Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention (Revised) 2003). These crew members were prohibited from disembarking and entering Brazilian ports and immigration fines were levied on ship owners; the fines amounted to BRL 827,000 (about US$ 500) for each non‐complying crewmember.

However, the imposition of fines in respect of such crew was then suspended towards the end of January 2011 pending a definitive decision from the authorities in Basilia. It is understood that the suspension followed representations to Brazil’s Chief of Immigration on behalf of P&I Clubs and local port agents to resolve the issue which has created political reactions from the countries affected. 

Source: JMG News 002-11

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