Shipboard Operations – Management On Board
Steamship Mutual, in partnership with Marine Media Enterprises (MME), has developed a new series of programmes focusing on the unprecedented events confronting the shipping industry since the beginning of 2020.
We have never experienced a worldwide pandemic in our lifetime and COVID-19 is a crisis unlike any that has been seen hitherto.
This new series focuses on issues arising from COVID-19 that have affected the shipping industry and includes the following:
• Shipboard Operations – Management on Board – Programme 1: CRISIS
This is the first of three programmes and it introduces the theoretical aspects of crisis management set against the specific backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. It gives guidance on the social and mental effects of the pandemic, the role of leadership in the short and longer term and how to manage your own expectations and those of others during such a crisis.
• Programme 2 – COVID
The second programme, which will be available in due course on MME’s Learning Management System (LMS), portrays a realistic scenario in which a crew member becomes infected with the COVID-19 virus and shows how crisis management theory may be applied in practice. It will stimulate discussion on effective leadership strategies.
• Programme 3 – COMMERCE
The third programme, which will also be available through the LMS system, sharpens the focus still further and addresses various commercial issues arising from the pandemic. It gives guidance on remote audits and inspections, possible challenges with charterparties and similar scenarios.
We would especially like to thank Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement and Maritime Training Centre, Columbia Ship Management, Liberian Registry, Lloyds Register, Mental Health Support Solutions and Seaworld Ship Management for their contribution and support in the production of the “Shipboard Operations – Management on Board – CRISIS” programme.