Brazil Ministry update on ILO Seafarers' Identity Documents (SID) Convention
Update on the Rules on ILO Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention
Brazilian Federal Police issued Circular MOC No. 02/2022 stating that, effective 1st May 2023, a Seafarers identity document (SID) issued under the ILO C108 - Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention, 1958 will not be accepted by the Brazilian Federal Police and that only a valid seafarers identity document issued under the ILO C185 - Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003, as amended will be acceptable. Only seafarers holding a valid seafarers identity document issued under the ILO C185 will be allowed to cross the border after 30th April 2023.
Crewmembers of States that have not ratified ILO C185 or are not signatories of the Convention must hold an appropriate Brazil Visa in their passports. Members are reminded that non-compliance with the Brazilian Federal police and Immigration regulations could result in crewmembers failing to join or sign off from vessels and that shipowners may be subjected to penalties and/or fines being imposed the local authorities.
The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains a table of entry visa requirements on the General Framework of Visa Regime for entry of foreigners in Brazil, however, Members should remain mindful that visa requirements could change at short notice. Where there is any doubt as to the current requirements that are in place Members are advised to seek details of the most up to date information from their local agents.
- MOC_2_2022 Seafarers Identity Documents
- MOC_09-2021_CGPI
- Guidance-on-migratory-control-of-crew-seafarers-CGPI-DIREX-PF-20I-12-2020
- Proinde-Circular-2301-18-02-2023-ILO-C108-Seafarers-Identity-Document-no-longer-accepted
- CIRCULAR_BPI_003_2023
For further information please contact the Loss Prevention Department. Steamship Insurance Management Services Ltd. Tel: +44 20 7247 5490