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AMSA Livestock ships campaign and Seafarer certification guidance

SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: February 23, 2021



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The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is charged with the responsibility for ensuring the safety of Australian flagged vessels and foreign flagged vessels in Australian ports, and the seafarers on board.

They have published two recent items on their website which may be of interest to Members. 

Focused inspection campaign – livestock ships 1 March 2021 to 31 August 2021

AMSA report as follows: “The purpose of the FIC is to:

  • determine the level of compliance with the maintenance and repair requirements of international conventions, and
  • ensure masters and officers are complying with specific requirements of Marine Order 43 for ships that hold an Australian Certificate for the
    Carriage of Livestock, including voyage planning, determining the ship’s stability, and that accurate values are used for the livestock cargo carried.


This FIC has been initiated by AMSA and is specific to Australia. The FIC will only be carried out on vessels that Australia has approved to carry livestock under Marine Order 43.


AMSA inspectors will undertake the FIC in conjunction with a normal port State control (PSC) inspections.

Any PSC deficiencies will be reported to regional PSC databases. However, deficiencies that relate only to Marine Order 43 will be recorded separately, in accordance with normal AMSA processes, and will not be reported to regional PSC databases.

AMSA encourages ship owners and masters to familiarise themselves with the maintenance requirements of their vessel, and the requirements of Marine Order 43 for the carriage of livestock from Australia.

Inspectors will complete a checklist when conducting the focused inspections so that AMSA can collate and report on the outcomes.

Outcome of the FIC

The results of the FIC will be analysed at the conclusion of the campaign, and a report will be published on the AMSA website.”

For more information see the AMSA website

Seafarer certification guidance

AMSA has also published information about international certificates allowing you to download and print Guidance for international certificates 

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