Club correspondents Pandi Liquidadores S.R.L. based in Buenos Aires, Argentina have issued a Circular 053/2024 “Alert - Argentine Customs - Ship’s Store List Declaration (Update)”.
The correspondents have historically issued a number of circulars reporting on issues and problems encountered with customs fines and for the payments required by customs officers due to alleged discrepancies in the ship's store list declarations.
In 2028, under the General Resolution 4317, the Argentine Customs Authorities introduced a standardised form for store list declarations, the objective being to improve uniformity in custom declarations. The Club correspondents have reported that this assisted in reducing e the number of customs disputes.
The correspondents advise that they are currently seeing a peak of disputes, particularly in ports such as San Nicolas, Campana, San Lorenzo and emerging in Rosario. There are also reports of facilitation payments having been demanded by some officers.
This Information Note is intended to highlight issues raised in the updated circular, and to serve as a reminder, particularly to the Master and Chief Engineer of the recommendations to be followed when completing the Customs’ Ship’s store list and declaration forms. These include:
Accurate Declarations: The Master, Chief Officer, and Chief Engineer should carefully record and revise store lists, ensuring only requested information has been included in the declaration.
Engine Form Checks: The Chief Engineer should meticulously check quantities, especially lube oils, converting all measurable amounts into litres. For the lub oil sump tanks of engines, endeavours should be made to record quantities as accurately as possible taking into consideration any potential discrepancies such as may arise from consumption in a running engine.
Final Review: Store lists should not be signed by the Master until a thorough review has been completed and they are satisfied as to the veracity of the stores list being submitted.
Record Keeping: Maintain copies of signed store lists onboard.
Seek Assistance: Contact P&I correspondents immediately if issues arise during customs inspections.
While recent disputes are few and isolated, vigilance is necessary to avoid costly and problematic disputes. The Master and Chief Engineer must ensure to maintain accurate and complete store lists, as customs inspections can occur without prior notice. Always consult ship's agents for case-specific advice.
This information notice is in addition to the Club’s article on the requirements of the Argentina’s new ship’s stores list form.
Should the member require any clarification and /or additional information in relation to this circular and/or attached forms please do not hesitate to contact the Club or the local correspondents Pandi Liquidadores.
Supportive Information
For further information on this or other Loss Prevention topics please contact the Loss Prevention Department, Steamship Insurance Management Services Ltd.
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Email: [email protected]
Circular 053/2024 “Alert - Argentine Customs - Ship’s Store List Declaration (Update)"