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Management Highlights 2012 - Highlights

  • Free reserves reduced by 2.5% to US$ 295.8 million
  • Three year average combined ratio 99.6%
  • Total entered tonnage rises to approximately 93 million GT
  • Rise in claims matches increase in Club's entered tonnage
  • Combined gain on investments of US$ 36.02 million, 4.2%


Management Highlights  

2012 - Management Highlihts - Cover thumbnail.jpg

 Report & Accounts  

2012 - Report and Accounts - Cover thumbnail.jpg



  • The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Assocaition (Bermuda) Limited, The Steamship Mutual Underwriting Association Limited and The Steamship Mutual Trust
  • Report of Directors
  • Policy Year Statements
  • Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Notes on the Accounts
  • Report of the Independent Auditors



   Pre Renewal Report  

2012 Pre Renewal Report - thumbnail.jpg


  • Overview
  • Underwriting and Reinsurance
  • Claims
  • Investments 

 Financial Strength Ratings  




  • A- interactive rating from S&P


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