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Prevention of infectious disease at sea

SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: March 25, 2021

The UK Maritime and Coastal Agency has published Marine Guidance Note 652 “Prevention of infectious disease at sea” providing information and recommendations on

  • The causes and prevention of Infectious diseases on board ship
  • Appropriate immunisations against infectious diseases likely to be encountered by seafarers in the course of their duties
  • Specific requirements for prevention of insect borne diseases including malaria
  • Infections encountered in the seafarer’s home country or whilst on shore leave are mostly outside the scope of this document
  • Where to get further advice

Marine Guidance Note 652 can be accessed HERE

The Steamship Mutual Health Hub contains a lot of information about health related issues with links to health related films; health related Risk Alerts, posters and articles. The Health Hub also has mental health related information including links to the Mental Health Support Solutions (MHSS) service, ISWAN mental health publications and much more. The Health Hub can be accessed HERE 

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