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China - Shanghai port anti-pollution regulation effective from 1 June 2015

SSM Roundel

Steamship Mutual

Published: June 01, 2015


A new Shanghai port anti-pollution regulation for ships will take effect from 01 June 2015, although the new fuel standard will be issued at a later date. Under the new regulation vessels will be required to use only fuels that comply with the city’s quality standards. Violators will be fined between 10,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan (US$16,120), according to the new regulation.
The Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration was given the authority to issue fines to ship captains and vessel owners that discharge black smoke and a fuel standard will make enforcement easier.
The use of fuel is among 13 items added to the new regulation, a stricter version compared to the one now in use, which was created in 1996.
Other new items include a fine of up to 200,000 RMB for ships and boats caught discharging sewage into the Huangpu River or any of the city’s reservoirs. In the past, there was no fine.
Vessels will also be required to use electricity at the city’s ports while docked rather than burning high-polluting fuels for power. Loud motorboats will also be banned from Shanghai’s inland rivers to reduce noise, according to the regulation.

Effective date: 01 June 2015

Main points:

1. Ship’s pollution prevention structure, equipment, shall be in good working order and meet codes and regulations released by Chinese Government and International rules.
2. Ship’s pollutant substances ( oily water, bilge water, oil sludge, tank/hold cleaning water, etc. ) must not be disposed into river, sea.
3. Master shall sign disposing receipts after such operation by disposing company. Detailed info, such as ship’s name, quantity of pollutants, when/where, etc. shall be recorded.
3.1 MSA receipts of disposing shall be issued against master’s record book / disposing receipts.
4. Garbage shall be classified on board before disposing by local disposing company.
5. Seal will be placed by shipyard for docking vessels. Such seals are for controlling ship’s sewage equipment.
5.1 Master shall report it to shipyard/MSA in case such seals shall be unsealed. And records shall be made.
6. Low sulfur fuel shall be used in Shanghai.
7. Ship’s engine shall be shut down in case shore power is supplied.
8. Ship’s horn to be used only under emergency conditions in Shanghai.
9. Master shall report to local MSA via VHF before de-ballast, disposing pollutant substances, etc.
10. Report of ship’s pollutant substances shall be submitted by master before docking.
11. Master and shore side shall double cfm the working conditions before loading/discharging oily cargo or liquid cargo. ( oil fence to be placed and ensure safety operation. )
12. Master shall report to MSA in case any emergency and polluting accidents happen. All pipes, holds, tanks shall be closed by all means during such accidents.
13. Penalties from RMB1,000 ~ RMB200,000 will be imposed on ship by local MSA based on different violations.

Above are only very rough first hand info regarding this regulation, we will further notify you if we get some updated information. If you have any queries, please contact the Club. 

Please see also  "The Measures for the Prevention and Control of Ship Pollution in Shanghai Port", attached below.

pdf file type
2015.6.4-Measures for the Prevention and Control of Ship Pollution in Sh....pdf (0.08 MB)

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